Monday, May 13, 2019

FRLI $2.1M Promotion

click the image for details
*I began receiving email advertisements regarding this promotion on Tuesday, March 19, 2019.


  1. Garylh1969@gmail.com7/09/2022 03:09:00 PM

    Good afternoon Mr. Lento! I am in Tim Sykes 30-Day Boot Camp at the moment. I was watching day 3 video where he was sharing some of his success stories, and you were one of those stories that he talked about. He said' that were killing it shorting stocks.' I have been thinking about trading penny stocks for many years, but i had never pulled the trigger on it until now. I am studying in for hours throughout the day, and I am just trying to soak up as much knowledge as I can. From what I have studied on short selling, isn't this the perfect market to do it in at the moment, since stocks are steadily plummeting? If i only could figure out how to get started, maybe I would get my feet wet. It is truly an inspiration to see you as well as others doing so well. I look forward to continue to remain teachable and keep soaking up the information that I am receiving during the 30-Day Boot Camp. I hope to one day be able to put enough money to the side to be able to afford to take on Tim's Challenge. I was in residential Construction Management for 23 1/2 years, but after three back surgeries, I had to figure out a new line of work. I had went back to college and even though I have a 3.9 G.P.A. over the last three years, I am done with writing a bunch of useless research papers that really don't matter. good luck with your future trades and keep killing it. You're an inspiration to myself, as well as many others I'm sure.

  2. Only one comment

  3. And off course from buddy Tim sykes
